For the longest time ever, Windows has always been available to macOS users whether they wanted to use it through Apple’s own Boot Camp or third-party tools like Parallels. However, with the switch over to the ARM-based Apple Silicon chipsets, that was no longer the case, and we’re sure some have been wondering why.

It turns out that an exclusive deal with Qualcomm could be the reason why we haven’t seen Windows for M1 Macs just yet. This is according to a report from XDA Developers who heard from their sources that Microsoft and Qualcomm have an exclusive deal where if there is going to be Windows on an ARM device, it would be a device that uses Qualcomm’s chipsets.

That being said, there might be some good news for M1 Mac users because the report also claims that the deal between both companies is set to expire soon. This means that once this deal expires, Microsoft would be free to license its ARM version of Windows to non-PC builders, similar to how you are able to buy a copy of Windows and use it for Boot Camp/Parallels installation.

Of course, it is possible that Microsoft and Qualcomm could renew their deal, especially since the company revealed their own plans for an Apple Silicon competitor that will be launching in 2023. At the same time, there have been rumors dating back to 2020 that Microsoft is apparently interested in an in-house chipset as well, but we’ll have to wait and see.

Filed in Apple >Computers >Rumors. Read more about , , , , , and . Source: xda-developers