One of the perks of owning a Tesla is that you’ll have access to the company’s Supercharger network that will let you charge your Tesla at a variety of different locations. But what if you don’t own a Tesla? That might be a bit trickier, but the good news is that Tesla is looking to expand its Supercharger program to cover non-Tesla EVs.

The company has announced that they will be launching a pilot program in the Netherlands where they will allow non-Tesla EVs to use its Supercharger network. Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk had revealed earlier this year that they were planning on expanding the Supercharger network to cover other EVs, and it looks like that time is finally here.

According to Tesla, “With this pilot, 10 stations are now accessible to Dutch Non-Tesla EV drivers via the Tesla app (version 4.2.3 or higher). Tesla drivers can continue to use these stations as they always have, and we will be closely monitoring each site for congestion and listening to customers about their experiences.”

However, keep in mind that according to Tesla’s FAQ, pricing for non-Tesla vehicles will be different. According to the company, “Pricing for Non-Tesla drivers reflects additional costs incurred to support charging a broad range of vehicles and adjustments to our sites to accommodate these vehicles.”

Tesla advises users to use the Tesla app to check the charging prices which can vary from site to site.

Filed in Green >Transportation. Read more about and . Source: tesla