Modern day electric cars have much better batteries and range compared to the earlier days of the technology. However, this doesn’t mean that range anxiety is no longer a thing because let’s face it, charging up an EV to full is definitely going to take much longer than refueling a gas-powered car.

However, Porsche’s Taycan EV has managed to set a Guinness World Record for the shortest charging time to cross the United States with a charge time of just 2 hours, 26 minutes, and 48 seconds. This beat the previous record held by Kia’s EV6 which took 7 hours, 10 minutes, and 1 second to charge to complete the same journey.

The car was driven by Wayne Gerdes who is known for his efficient driving style called “hypermiling”, where various adjustments and driving techniques are used to try and maximize how much fuel a car uses. According to Gerdes, the Taycan EV was charged using Electrify America’s CCS DC fast charging network where the 350KW charger managed to juice the car from 6% up to 82% in a whopping 22 minutes.

If anything, this proves that thanks to faster charging technology, electric car owners don’t have to worry about parking in one spot for too long to charge their vehicles before continuing on their journey.

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