Right now, the way to determine if a person has COVID-19 would be through a swab or spit test. Those are currently the best methods. However, it seems that researchers over in Malaysia are trying to use AI where they want to analyze the sound of a cough to try and determine if a person might have the virus.

This is according to a report from local publication Berita Harian where researchers from the Institute for Clinical Research are working with AI experts from the Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak to come up with the system. At the moment, the researchers are in the testing stage where they are recording and storing cough data samples and they believe that it could be available as soon as June 2022.

The researchers are claiming that this system has 90% accuracy and can even detect asymptomatic cases. There are also no financial costs to patients because all they have to do is record their coughs on their phone and submit it to the website for analysis.

This wouldn’t be the first time that we’ve heard about alternative methods of detecting the virus. For example, we’ve heard about how dogs are being used to sniff out the virus in some parts of the world, while other parts of the world are looking to use a breath test system.

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