Apple released the iPhone 11 Pro just last month where they introduced a third lens to their camera setup. This is a step up from last year’s iPhone XS which feature a dual lens setup. However, Apple’s iPhones are still as expensive as ever, and as such, it would not be reasonable to expect that all iPhone XS owners would upgrade to the iPhone 11 Pro.

However, if you wanted to give people the impression you did, then this hilarious iPhone case might be of interest to you. In a video posted onto TikTok by user digital_buyer, it shows an iPhone XS case where through some clever stickers and a cutout, will magically transform your iPhone XS into an iPhone 11 Pro!

This is done by using a square cutout instead of a rectangular one for the camera. There is also a cover for the camera where two holes will allow the actual camera to shoot through it, while the third one is merely an image to give the illusion of the third camera. It is actually a pretty clever setup and is more novel than functional.

Unfortunately, we’re not sure if there is a way to buy this particular case as the video does not mention how we might be able to get our hands on it, but if you do know, then be sure to sound off in the comments!

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